Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm officially engaged. The boy is beyond ridiculous! I'm pretty dang excited about it, though.

Ok. Here's the story. Julian planned this big prank on a friend of ours. I thought it was really stupid. I told him that and I didn't want to go. THEN he talked me into it, only after getting my dad in on the prank. We drove all the way up to Jake's place in Galiton (about an hour away). There also happens to be a lot of snow up there! EEK! COLD!

Then, as we were sneaking around the house to get to the back yard, Jake came running out of the house with a gun. He started yelling "Who are you? What are you doing on my property!?" and he shot the gun. I freaked! Julian and Kat (who was also with us) started running. Then Jake threatened to shoot them if they didn't stop. I yelled for Jake to stop because it was just us. Goodness... the jerks! I was so freaked out. HE SHOT A GUN AT US!

This is Kat and Jake... the one's who were in on the prank!

Then Jake came over and asked us what we were doing. I was still a bit startled and told him straight up that I didn't want anything to do with it and said it was dumb. Then he asked me what I said.... I was way confused until I turned and saw that Julian had gotten down on one knee in the snow and had a ring out. Yea....

So, this whole thing was a bit ridiculous... but luckily for Julian, I still said yes! YIPPEE!


Nielsen Family News said...

Love it- you are both in the favorite people category! Wish I could have been there for the show down, guns and everything! Good one Julian!

Aidenator said...

Yayay! I'm sooo happy for you! How exciting...boys are kinda crazy sometimes with that whole "stringing you along" type thing...they say they do it for us, but I know they enjoy the startled looks on our faces! I love you lots! and Congrats! Your Cousin livin' la vida loca in the NYC! Lacy

The Smiths said...

Congrats!! It will be quite the story to tell your kids in the future. Have you set a date? Let me know as soon as you can so I can try to be there. love you all, Aunt Renee

Maren and Ryan Meldrum said...

hey...WAIT...didn't we totally have this conversation about you not getting married yet...i swear we LIAR! I oughta just punch you in the mouth...RIGHT IN THE MOUTH...ha...yaaaaay! boys. Next you are going to tell me you are NOT having babies right after you get hitched...sure...sure

*The Ranagan's* said...

Yay Jeni is getting married! Thats so great! I'm super excited about it and I hope hope hope I can make it out for the wedding. I love you so much and I'm super excited for you!