Friday, November 7, 2008

A big change of plans...

So, my life makes more sense now. I was pretty much freaking out about this whole being kidnapped thing. Now, I guess Cody has figured out how ridiculous he is (probably with a lot of assistance from his family because I don't think he realizes it still) and I'm not going out next week. I will be chillin' in Missouri for a while longer. I'm actually a lot more excited about that then I think I should be. Who knows!? If all this stuff is actually going to happen it will happen much slower... YAY! I don't do that whole run around all fast like stuff. SHEESH!


*The Ranagan's* said...

BUMMER! I was excited to see some pics of this kid!

BJ Scott said...

We'll just see how long he waits to come see your beautiful face. I bet it won't be that long. We think he should come here first any way.

Love you sweetie,
~Auntie K.