Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Basically, I realize that I fail. As far as my blog is concerned I am both not married and married but living in Lee's Summit. Neither of these are accurate. I have pictures at home so I will post some more recent shots of the happy little family later.
So, for a bit of an update:
  • Julian and I will have been married for a whole 6 months in a few weeks. Happy day.
  • I live in Gladstone with my mama and Julian and I are having a good time helping her out.
  • I drive a ridonkulous commute to school everyday... It's lame.
  • Graduation countdown can start as of today with ONE month and TWO days!
  • YES! December 12th = a very joyous occasion.... I am done with the University of Central Missouri! Go me!
That's me for now. I promise to be better......


Unknown said...

Bah... I'll believe it when I see it :)

Unknown said...

Okay, so profile updating IS a big commitment :) Love you!