Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pictures of me and my amazing life!

BASICALLY, I've been up to a bunch of craziness lately. These are a few pictures of some of that. We'll start out with a little bit of sisterly love. This is the most recent picture of our little trio of sisterhood! Pretty much, we're adorable!

I also tend to spend a lot of time with my Singles Branch. This is a group of us that went ice skating in Crown Center. There actually were more of us, we pretty much took over the whole place that night, but we're the only ones cool enough to be in the picture!

Then of course I've got that boyfriend. We tend to spend quite a bit of time together. This is us just pretty much being cute. We're in a wagon... you can't get much cuter than that!
And of course another.... we're cheesy!

A while back, we went and saw Twilight with Sister and Mike. It was pretty much a good time (even though I'm SO disappointed in the movie!) Mike and Julian seemed to get along a little TOO well! The boys were really funny.

And a LONG LONG time ago I got home. Then I went to visit the best friend and her small ones. This is proof that I actually did that... even though I don't go over near often enough anymore. I promise to come back soon! I love you! And I promise that Ashe loves me... it's just not obvious in this picture! CUTENESS!

SO! This is me for right now. It's official as of today... I really DO get to go back to college next semester. It'll be pretty interesting to see how I get that to work out. Life is WAY too complicated to get back into after disappearing for two years. Who does that!?


Aaron and Melissa said...

Why did I not know that you have a blog!? Hello!?!?! Send me your email address and I'll invite to see our blog! Are you engaged yet? You're awfully cute together :)

The Smiths said...

I am so glad you finally put up more pictures. You are so cute. So when are you coming to Utah?

Love ya, Aunt Renee

BJ Scott said...

love you sweet girl! Great pics... thanks for posting all the funness... I don't think that's a word... in fact I'm sure it's not... but it works for me.

Be good... bring your momma over to visit and watch a movie sometime.

~Auntie K.

Unknown said...

Ya, geez you need to come over for real...

You might recognize that hat I'm wearing on my blog...

OH, I know this is going to sound totally random...BUT... you know those pajama pants (the greyish black speckly ones) that you stole from me like 12 yrs ago that my grandma made... do you still have them? Because before the mish you did and I want to use them as a pattern to make MORE awesome pajamas.... so yes, let me know about that.

Love you! Miss you. Eat cookies.