Friday, January 2, 2009

Welcome to 2009!

New Year's Eve was basically the funniest night of my life! We went to the regional dance with all of the young single adults. I've got some friends from church that have been giving Julian and I a hard time. You see, Dean and Rachel got engaged after dating for two months. Julian and I have been dating for two months. They want us to be engaged. They haven't left us alone about it for a while. We decided to play quite the little prank on them!

  • Pre-dance prep: I bought a ring at Claires for $5. Then, Julian called Dean and told him that he was going to propose to me at midnight on New Years Eve.
  • At the dance: Julian showed them the ring to prove it wasn't a prank. (A few bystanders got pulled into the prank by accidentally seeing the ring too. Poor Kat!) Then at midnight Julian got down on one knee and tried to give me the ring. I said no and left the room. I went and hid in the bathroom. Rachel came and had to talk me out of the stall I was hiding in. She made me go back out to talk to him. When we got to the hallway Julian was gone. He had gone outside into the cold (not in the plan... bum got me all cold!). Dean and Rachel both made me go find him so that he didn't get too upset. When I got outside, he was standing there laughing. Then we came back in and told them that it was all a joke.
Ever since that happened EVERYONE has heard about it. I went to the movies with some people last night and they all knew. They weren't even at the dance. We were the talk of the dance. Sure, I expect some kind of revenge from Dean and Rachel but we got them really good so I'm alright with it!

This is us at the dance. All of the cool kids there wore purple! Those are some of my friends. Rebekah, me, Julian and Katy.

This was our friends trying to get pictures of "The Proposal." Really, they were horrible. THIS was the best picture they got. But that was my dress that my mommy helped me fix up.

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